Hey Guys,
Our 2010 Track Day Calendar is now starting to come together.
For all events visit - http://www.trackattack.com.au/trackdays
Lakeside Sprints - http://www.trackattack.com.au/sprints
Qld Raceway Sprints - http://www.trackattack.com.au/sprints
Midweek Sprints at LP & QR - http://www.trackattack.com.au/midweek
Circuit Racing - http://www.trackattack.com.au/racing
Carnell Raceway - http://www.trackattack.com.au/carnell
Hillclimb - http://www.trackattack.com.au/hillclimb
Drift - http://www.trackattack.com.au/drift
Skidpan - http://www.trackattack.com.au/skidpan
Dirt Sprints - http://www.trackattack.com.au/dirtsprints
Add your name to the mailing list - http://www.trackattack.com.au/register
Photos - http://www.trackattack.com.au/photos
Cheers Jeff
we still have a number of spots to fill for the Skidpan day at Lakeside Driver Training Center next Saturday the 23rd for more information visit
Direct signup link for - individuals
Direct signup for - groups
If you signup and pay online using the above link for 2 or more people at once you get a $10 per person discount discount.
Cheers Jeff
Next Sprint Dates are
Saturday the 10th at Qld Raceway
Sunday the 11th at Lakeside Raceway
The EXcels will also be there to entertain the crowd, It doesn't get much cheaper than EXcel Racing !